Things to Do at Calvary!
Do you ever think that you would like to ‘get more involved’ in the activities at Calvary? Do you ever say, ‘but what can I do?’ Well, here are some things in which you can become involved!
Join the altar guild. Help set up communion and change the paraments and banners seasonally. Contact Sue Wise or Julie Ries if you want to become involved.
Get involved with the facility team. This team keeps Calvary up and running. The meet weekly and provide needed maintenance. Contact Mike Northrup or Bob Austin.
Help provide a FREE MEAL. Calvary provides a free meal monthly. People to help are always needed. Contact Pam Tullis.
Attend Adult Sunday School. This group meets between services in the conference room. Contact Norm Kruckenberg or Kay Northrup.
Help with Fellowship Activities. This team hosts activities for family and friends such as Oktoberfest, Souper Bowl, Paints' Game, & Retreats. Contact Melody Knoles.
Keep in contact with members both old and new. Contact Sue Wise of Community Life.
Organize and maintain Calvary’s Archives. Contact Margaret Planton.