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Forty-two children, tweens, and teenagers registered for Calvary Lutheran’s annual Vacation Bible School, June 3 to 7, 6 to 8 p.m. This year’s Holy Land Adventure took us to “Hometown” Nazareth, Where Jesus Was a Kid.

Each day students heard stories about Jesus from his mother Mary, and Eunice and Lois, Nazareth residents. Stories included the Annunciation to Mary, The Naming of Jesus, The Flight to Egypt, and the Wedding at Cana in Galilee.

Visits to the Marketplace allowed students to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of ancient Nazareth. We had visits from a goat, hen, and rooster; sampled Bible times foods, and made jewelry, a wooden sheep toy, an offering box, and scented oils.

Nearly 50 adult volunteered to as-sist with VBS in some capacity. We are grateful for their ministry to the children in the congregation and community.

Next summer: Join us for a trip to Reformation Germany with “Mighty Fortress” VBS!

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