Youth Sunday School Resume September 10
Youth Sunday School Resumes September 10th during the Sunday School Hour at 9:30AM in the Briggs Educational Building.
Upcoming Youth Events
We are planning a few activities for Calvary Youth, some fun and some service.
Please add these to your calendars. With sports activities, many Saturday evenings are in conflict. Try these on and see how they fit:
Saturday, September 9 at 7:00 p.m. Calvary Youth Room. Just hang-out. A welcome to our new confirmants.
Saturday, September 16 at 4:00 p.m. Calvary Block Party. Come for "Rockin' the Main" concert in the parking lot. Youth will run the food booth, selling hot dogs, chips, pop and water. The concert starts at 5PM, but we can set up in advance. Come when you can.
Saturday, September 30 at 7:00 p.m. Calvary Youth Room, Church. Lock-in, led by Chris and Tanya Murphy. Attend church the next morning after combing your hair. If you arrive later because of other activities, let us know and we will let you in.
Questions? Contact Youth Facilitator Bob Austin at 740-703-4646