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CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL "Manna and Mercy" in the Briggs Building. 

SENIOR HIGH and CONFIRMATION "Manna and Mercy" in the Youth Room

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL  class meets in the conference room at 9:30 a.m. Sundays between services. All are welcome to join us.


We are so very blessed at Calvary to have such awesome support for our VBS! A huge thanks to each and every one of you who contributed to a fantastic week of learning about how Jesus grew up! A very special note of appreciation to those who served tirelessly every night to share the love of Jesus with the children!

Jon Pairan and Mike Northrup (below) plant bulbs at the third annual Garden Party on May 11. The bulbs are already bringing beauty to the back of our church property.



Adult students learn at Vacation Bible University

This summer a variety of classes for are being held featuring adult versions of traditional VBS activities: Bible study & music, arts & crafts, food & drink, play & recreation. We’re calling it Vacation Bible University and “A Foretaste of the Feast to Come” is the thematic thread that is woven into each course offering, as we look at wedding stories, parables, and customs from the time of Jesus.

“The Jesus Trail Challenge” (VBU2402) kicked off the summer on June 2 when 17 students each began walking 39 miles from Nazareth to Capernaum along the Sea of Galilee. Several walkers have already completed the course as of this writing.

“The Oils and Incense of Ancient Scripture” (VBU2403) met on Saturday, June 15. The students (above) learned about some of the fragrances that may have made brides and grooms smell nice for their special days, including frankincense, myrrh, cedarwood, cypress, and Rose of Sharon.

“Gladdened Hearts: Intro to Wine Making” (VBU2401) begins on Sun-day, June 23 with additional sessions on June 30 and July 28. Students will learn about wine making in the 1st century while making their own wine using 21st century science. Each student (or team) will make one gallon of fruit wine using apples, berries, peaches, pears, or plums.

During the course titled, “The Wedding Gift,” (VBU2405) we’ll watch Episode 5 of The Chosen, Season One. In this episode, Nicodemus interrogates John the Baptizer while Jesus and his students make their way to a wedding celebration in Cana. During the ceremony, Jesus' mother Mary makes a special re-quest. This course will be held between services on July 28.

“The Art of Biblical Storytelling” (VBU2404) is scheduled for Saturday, August 17. Amelia Boomershine, Executive Director of GoTell Communications Inc. and an ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church, will introduce us to the art of biblical storytelling. Watch this space for registration information.




THE CHS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION will induct six members into his hall of Distinguished Alumni on June 15, including Charles “Buzz” Knoles of the Class of 1950. Buzz is one of Chillicothe’s most recognizable and longest-serving community leaders. He held multiple positions with the Chillicothe Gazette, where he retired as Advertising Director, and he helped found VICOM, a precursor to the Internet, while working for Horizon/Chillicothe Telephone Company. His list of contributions to Chillicothe and the surrounding area is extremely long. He has served as the President of Chillicothe Noon Rotary, President of the Chillicothe-Ross Chamber of Commerce, Director of the Ross-Chillicothe Convention and Visitors’ Bureau, and Chair of the Salvation Army. Buzz was happily married to his wife Marlene for 62 years. He has four children, six grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild on the way.

Churches come together “All Because of the Son”

In an inspiring display of Christian unity, members from over 30 Ross County churches participated in a community choir concert held at Calvary on Saturday, April 6. The concert, titled “All Because of the Son,” was directed by Calvary Music Director Melody Knoles and Calvary Organist Kay French.
This was the fifth community choir concert at Calvary. Previous concerts were “For the Love of the Son” in 2006, “In Praise of the Son” in 2009, “Hope through the Son” in 2012, “Hope from the Son” in 2015.
Seven pieces by soloists and ensembles were performed prior to the start of the concert. Concert selections included “Sound of the Round;” “I Came to Praise,” featuring soloist Stan Clark; “Heaven Is My Home,” with soloist Ric McConnell; “I Lift My Eyes;” “Let the Church Rise;” “In the House of the Lord,” with Charity Lan-ning as soloist; “High and Lifted Up;” “The Road to Calvary,” featuring Ka-thin Ngalle and Andy Edler; and “What the Lord Has Done in Me,” featuring an ensemble comprised of Patti Cavendar, Jennifer Cutright,
Churches come together “All Because of the Son”
Linda Elliott, Megan Brown, Brian Beery, and Matt Lucas.
A love offering in the amount of $3506 was presented by Buzz Knoles to Major Richard Lopez and Ricky Cook for The Salvation Army’s youth programs.
The concert concluded with “Glory (Let There Be Peace).” The entire concert was filmed and edited by Cory Hall Media and may be viewed online at If you weren’t able to attend, check it out!


Opportunities to Give

BLESSING BOX: We need donations for the Blessing Box!   We suggest easy-open, single-serve packaging, with plastic preferred over glass containers.    We suggest canned items like soup, canned pasta, corn, green beans; microwave meals like Hormel complete meals, ravioli, spaghetti, single serve mac and cheese (no boxes); fruit pies; baby food in pouches or plastic containers; any variety of peanut butter (16 oz. plastic jar); applesauce and fruit cups (all varieties); ramen noodles or chow mein meals; individual bagged instant potatoes (all varieties); beanie weenies; individual boxes/bowls of cereal; instant oatmeal; Pop Tarts; Fruit and Grain bars; chewy granola bars (any variety); personal items like soap, chap stick, deodorant, powder, hand sanitizers, toilet paper, toothbrushes; pet food and treats.   Donations may be brought to the church or placed in the box.

KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS: From August 1 to October 31, 38 households earned $138.94 in Kroger Community Rewards.  Is your Kroger Plus card linked to Calvary Lutheran Church?  If not, speak with Pastor Tom for instructions.

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